Welcome to drastical.net Many of the services of this site are largely dependant on JavaScript or visual elements. You may want to visit gopher://drastical.net/, instead.
Many of the services of this site are largely dependant on JavaScript or visual elements. You may want to visit gopher://drastical.net/, instead.
start page with search engines and links to the other drastical services.
a loosely-moderated social network, and gateway to part of the Fediverse.
a privacy-respecting metasearch engine. replace Google/Duckduckgo.
a replacement interface to YouTube. eliminate sponsored crap and tracking.
end-to-end federated chat and messaging
a music sharing platform with federated features. Spotify alternative.
a zero-knowledge, end-to-end encrypted pastebin alternative.
a free, private video-conferencing platform. Zoom alternative.
in-browser Quake 3 client + hosted dedi server (three-letter.agency)
a replacement interface for Twitter to eliminate ads and crap.
a replacement interface for Reddit to eliminate ads and crap.
browser-based spreadsheet. Excel replacement.
a multi-user text editor. Collaborate on a single document in real-time with others. Google docs replacement.
a multi-user shared whitboard
a popular diagramming / flowcharing tool. Visio replacement.
swiss-army knife for data, text, crypto, etc
browser-based desktop OS
a Multi-User Dimension / text-based multiuser game and VR experiment.
run the Total Dos Collection in your browser
x86 emulator in JavaScript that runs various OSes
a fully functional OpenRISC linux box with network access
8-bit microcomputers, games, and demos
MacOS 7.5 with HyperCard, etc.
modular audio synthesier and visual shader lab
browser-based LISP machine